falling freely -
tears and rain
on the garden Jizo

tombant abondamment
les larmes et la pluie
sur le Jizo du jardin


More About Jizo Bodhisattva


Om ha-ha-ha vismaye svâhâ 

Om Pramani Dani Svaha 

Be not afraid, little dear ones,
You were so little to come here,
All the long journey to Meido!
I will be Father and Mother,
Father and Mother and Playmate
To all the children in Meido! 

Then he caresses them kindly,
Folding his shining robes round them,
Lifting the smallest and frailest
Into his bosom, and holding
His staff for the stumblers to clutch.
To his long sleeves cling the infants,
Smile in response to his smiling,
Glad in his beauteous compassion.

Om ha-ha-ha vismaye svaha

Butsu zone

au Japon : Jizo Bosatsu ou Jizô
en Chine : Di Zang Wang Pu Sa ou T'i-t'sang
en Corée : ji-jang bosal
en sanskrit : Kshitigarbha ou Ksitigarbha ou Kçitigharba
en tibétain :  sa'i snying po  [ sa = terre, sa'i = de la terre, snying.po = suc, essence, substance ]
The literal translation of this Tibetan name is "Essence of Earth"

traduction en anglais : Earth Store ou “Earth Storehouse” ou “Earth Treasury” or 'Earth-Womb'
Son nom signifie 'the one who encompasses the earth'
Suggestion de nom latinisé :  ‘Matrician’
 "qui a la terre pour matrice", Matrice de la Terre, Terre-Mère (?), Gardien de la terre

KSITIGARBHA BODHISATTVA is highly revered not only among the Mahayana Buddhists, but
    also among the Vajrayana Buddhists of Tibet, India, Bhutan and the countries in the Himalaya Region.




La première fois que j'ai entendu parler de Jizo c'était dans ce petit livre :
La mort dans les religions d'Asie (dominos)


"Not until the hells are emptied will I become a Buddha"
"Tant qu'il y aura encore quelqu'un en enfer je ne pourrai pas devenir Bouddha."



Le mudrâ principal du Ksitigarbha
Le mudrâ du Ksitigarbha tenant un joyau,
c'est-à-dire le mudrâ du Samaya de diamant

prière à Jizo Bodhisattva